4 Signs That Your Property Needs an Aluminium Window Replacement

01 Feb 2021

There are many reasons that you may decide to replace your windows. New windows give you the opportunity to select a product that better suits your personal lifestyle or your business’ needs. This may include selecting one that allows for more natural light and ventilation or, an overall more durable product. While the commercial and residential window market is vast, it’s no surprise that we believe that aluminium windows will make the best replacement in your home or business.

Replacement windows are the perfect opportunity for property owners to customise and select windows that satisfy needs that have emerged over the years. As businesses grow and homeowners evolve, they come to the realisation that different features are needed in their windows which is why the selection of replacement windows is so important. While the aesthetic aspect of windows is well-known, its functional features are not often thought of when making the decision on window replacements.

Why do you need an aluminium window replacement?

We’ve identified 4 signs that point to your residential or commercial property needing an aluminium window replacement. Use this as a guide for determining whether it’s time to upgrade your property’s windows.

  1. Improvement of security

    Aluminium windows are one of the most durable materials, making it an excellent choice for properties in search of improved safety and security. Aluminium frames’ durability comes from its weather and corrosion resistance. This makes it especially suitable for exterior windows, as this is where most natural elements (moisture, heat and rain) will affect the window frame.

    The durability of aluminium frames is important for safety and security because it allows you to rely on the strength of the window for years without having to worry about its structure unknowingly deteriorating and affecting your window’s functionality, aesthetic and ability to keep your property secure.

  2. Increased comfort

    As time passes in a property, owners, residents and employees realise what is needed to improve its comfort. A common need is for a quieter and better ventilated working space. Aluminium windows in almost any configuration can provide both natural ventilation and light, making residents and employees more comfortable.

  3. Investment in energy efficiency

    Many businesses and homes are turning towards becoming more sustainable and cost-efficient. If you find that your property consistently incurs high energy bills and wastes electricity, then you may want to consider aluminium window replacements, particularly bifold, sliding or stacking windows. These configurations allow for ample natural light (even when closed) and when opened, fill your space with natural ventilation. This reduces the need for air conditioning systems and artificial lighting (during the day), which ultimately reduces your property’s energy use and bills.

  4. Upgraded aesthetic

    If you find that your property needs a facelift and that your current windows are showing signs of wear and tear, then this is a sign to upgrade to aluminium windows. Aluminium windows don’t just offer a sleek and clean aesthetic, but they are also incredibly durable which means that they will not wear and tear or suffer in its appearance as quickly as other materials.

What should you keep in mind when selecting your replacement windows?

When selecting a replacement window, there are few factors that you should keep in mind to find the option that’s best for your company or home. The following will ensure that you find a replacement aluminium window that suits your aesthetic as well as your functional needs.

  • Window style: A-Tech Australia offers a number of configurations all of which will impact the function and aesthetic of your home. Choose from awning, sliding, louvre, bifold, stacking and fixed windows.
  • Glass customisation: Determining whether you require low-E glazing or double-pane glass screens is key when deciding on the right glass product.
  • Size and dimensions: Though there are standard sizes available for all aluminium window products from A-Tech Australia, customised sizes can also be developed for businesses that require specific sizes for their properties. Not every configuration can be customised to some dimensions as it may impact its functionality. This is why it is key that you keep your required dimensions in mind when selecting a product.

For more product specifications or enquiries surrounding our aluminium windows or any of our other products, have a chat with our team today. Call 1300 775 525 for guidance regarding our products and any other questions that you may have. Our team will be more than happy to offer advice and tips on selecting the product that’s right for you.